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  • HealthySoulCenters 8:49 pm on November 26, 2016 Permalink  

    Platelet rich plasma course in New York 

    Facial Map - NY CourseAnyone who wishes to maintain their spot at the cutting edge of medical technology needs to getting training on platelet rich plasma therapy, an outstanding way to be able to offer your patients something truly impressive. As one of the most innovative areas of medicine at this current time, this is a brilliant way for you to stand out from all of the other dentists who are attempting to diversify, and as platelet rich plasma uses so many of the same techniques that dentistry already does, the amount of new information that you will need to learn is minimal. So what exactly is platelet rich plasma therapy, and how can it help you and your patients?

    Put simply, platelet rich plasma therapy is a way of enriching the patient’s blood in one particular area of their body in order to stimulate healthy natural growth and regeneration. This is achieved by drawing blood from the patient, enriching that blood with extra platelets, and then re-injecting the enriched blood back into the same patient in the specific area that they want regeneration. By using the exact same blood you avoid graft-host rejection, and you will choose the site of the injection depending on what the patient needs. In some cases, the patient will want platelet rich plasma therapy in order to encourage natural collagen growth in their face for a smoother look; others will want the injection near injuries that they want to heal quicker.
    Dr Howard Katz teaches platelet rich plasma therapy as part of his Dentox training program which only takes one day, and has been purposefully designed to be given to dentists, building on the knowledge and skills that they already have. The Botox & PRP course is coming to New York, so if that is where you are based then now is the time to sign up so you can start offering platelet rich plasma therapy to your patients.

    Program Information: http://www.dentox.com/botox-training-new-york

  • HealthySoulCenters 4:26 pm on November 1, 2016 Permalink  

    Finding a trusted Botox administrator in Los Angeles 

    Botox training mapAnytime that you move to a new place, therearecertainamenitiesthatyouneedtodiscoverbeforeyoucanfeelasthoughyouaretrulyaresident. For a start, you will have to find the best grocery store – the one that has absolutely everything that you like at prices that you can afford! – and then you have to find things like bus stations, hairdressers, and pharmacies. Knowing where your nearest dentist and doctor are can be vital, and if you have children then you will naturally be on the lookout for the best daycare, or the nearest excellent school. Those are the sorts of things that anyone who moves to Los Angeles will start to look for, and what is the best for you may look different to another person or to another family. However, it is always easy enough to ask around and get suggestions – but what if the sort of place that you are looking for is not something that you feel comfortable asking just anyone? What if the place you are looking for is a Los Angeles Botox administrator?

    Now, receiving Botox is not something that anyone should be ashamed of, especially as it is completely normal now for some people to be prescribed Botox injections for a variety of medical conditions, from extreme migraines to excess sweating to crippling back pain. But whatever you want Botox for, it is not the sort of thing that you want to broadcast – who discusses their medical histories with complete strangers? That means that if you have just moved to Los Angeles recently and you need to find a good Botox practice, then you will probably need to do your own research. So what should you be looking out for as you look into Botox administrators, and what should you be wary of?

    Youshouldalwaysmakesurethatany person you talk to has Botox certification from a top training program, and from a proper Botox training scheme that you can trust. The mistake that many people make is that they do not realise that it is possible in this modern world to receive Botox training online, so if you see a medical certificate that mentions anything about online, don’t worry! You’re not being scammed; chances are that they have received their training through Dr Howard Katz’ online program that is recognised by the medical community as one of the best training schemes that there is. Dr Howard Katz is a leading figure in Botox medicine and research, and actually holds the patents for a wide variety of the tools used in Botox administration.

    Lastly, you need to see whether or not you trust that person. Our instincts rarely lead us wrong, and if you are talking to a Botox administrator that makes you feel uncomfortable at any time then they are definitely not the person for you. After all, you are putting your health in their hands, and if you do not even feel comfortable discussing your past medical history with them, then they are not a good choice.

    Related: http://dentox.com/dermal-fillers-botox-training-los-angeles/

  • HealthySoulCenters 4:12 pm on November 1, 2016 Permalink  

    Wisdom Teeth – Pain & Removal Options 

    wisdom tooth hurtingOral pain can be extremely uncomfortable, as well as unhealthy.  Some common causes of oral pain may be tooth decay, an abscess or a fracture, a damaged or cracked filling, gum infection, grinding teeth at night, or wisdom teeth.  Regardless of what the reason may be, you should see, your dentist immediately.  If your wisdom teeth are still intact, you may question if they are the source of your pain and discomfort.

    Wisdom teeth are located in the back of your mouth, directly behind your molars.  They consist of a set, two on top, and a set of two on the bottom.  It’s not at all uncommon for wisdom teeth to grow in crooked, sideways, or simply misaligned.  As they begin to, grow they may push on other teeth and create overcrowding, thus resulting in misalignment from them as well.

    When wisdom teeth come in, they can be quite painful.  As they start to poke through your gums, you may notice red and inflamed gums, and experience pain in the back of your mouth.  Ironically, some people experience no pain when wisdom teeth come in, and may have no visible signs.  It’s important to notice changes in your mouth and see a dentist when necessary.

    Dentists often recommend wisdom teeth be removed before pain and discomfort become a problem.  Wisdom teeth can affect your ability to chew food, and may make your entire mouth very sensitive.  On occasion wisdom teeth pain may be a result of impacted wisdom teeth.  This happens when wisdom teeth are not able to emerge past the jaw bone or other teeth.  When this occurs, you face a risk of complications such as surgery, and it may damage bones or other teeth permanently. The longer the problem persists the greater risk you may develop an infection, as bacteria can enter the open areas in the gums.

    Other indications that your wisdom teeth may be impacted include jaw pain and tenderness, redness and swelling of gums are ounce the tooth and bad breath.  You may also notice a bad taste when you chew food or bite down.  Impacted wisdom teeth can put you at risk for cysts, which are fluid pockets the form around the tooth.  Very rarely tumors form around the tooth as well.   This can also result in permanent damage to your jaw bone.

    Pain resulting from wisdom teeth is not always an indication they are impacted, however you should see your dentist right away, as the likelihood of becoming impacted is there.

    Should you experience wisdom teeth pain, make an appointment with your dentist or oral surgeon right away.  The doctor will be able to distinguish if your pain is actually from wisdom teeth.  The more common solution is removal of the wisdom teeth.

    Oral hygiene can affect your overall  health, so be sure to take proper steps to ensure your mouth, teeth and gums are healthy.  Regular dental checkups are the first step to ensure overall dental health and may save you from discomfort later.  If you experience mouth pain, don’t delay, call your dentist right away.


    Reference:  wisdomtoothpain.org

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